Toyota Teases the Senses with Print
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A closeup of the dash of a car

Far from being an outdated method of advertising, print continues to push the envelope and offer new and cutting-edge opportunities for marketing. Want proof? Just look at a recent advertisement from Toyota.

The ad was designed by Saatchi & Saatchi for the 2018 Toyota Camry. By tapping into the unique capabilities of print, the ad did something that digital advertising cannot do—it teased all of the reader’s senses.

The ad, which was tipped into the magazine, folds into the center. The headline reads, “Indulge your senses in the 2018 Camry.” On the interior where the pages come together, there are metal handles that look like the door handles on a car. Each handle has a circle containing a pulse monitor. Readers are invited to grab the handles, place their thumbs on the sensors, and open the page.

When the reader opens the ad, the sensor monitors their pulse. A dashboard pops up and the reader is greeted with a new car smell. As they view the ad, the sensors display their pulse on a screen while the monitor chirps to the beat. Not only can the reader feel their excitement, but they can see it, too!

Before mailing, the ad went through a battery of tests to make sure it would withstand the rigors of manufacturing and mailing. Ultimately, the interactive piece was given outstanding marks. It was hand assembled and placed into 50,000 copies of InStyle magazine and sent to targeted subscribers.

While most advertisers won’t go to this extent, the ad shows that national brands still understand the unique role print plays in engaging customers. Think about all of the components of this campaign:

  • Door handles
  • Pulse monitor with sound
  • Pop-up dashboard
  • Lights
  • New car smell

These are not experiences that readers can have anywhere but in print. Not only does the ad reinforce how print plays a role that cannot be duplicated in digital media, but it also shows just how innovative and captivating print can be.

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