Collaboration Management
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When everyone contributes ideas to a project from start to finish, you get better results faster. ContructionVaults gives you a single place for all authorized users to view and contribute to the design and construction process. Access design files, BIM models, share ideas, track discussions, and ensure everyone is on the same page from start to finish. Eliminate the need to e-mail huge attachments by keeping complex documents in one secure location.

Visibility and Input

  • View the same files, models, discussions
  • Generate ideas and contributions
  • Improve efficiency and effectiveness

Your project is a team effort, and without contribution from every team member, you can’t get your best results. With ConstructionVaults, you have a place where everyone can come to collaborate in a virtual project center.

Share, View, Merge — Collaborate!

ConstructionVaults makes it easy for everyone on the team – designers, project managers, contractors, engineers — to get the same information and provide valuable input. Authorized team members can share their portions of the project and merge with other contributions to ensure quality results. Use ConstructionVaults to ensure that everyone on the team is in sync, regardless of physical location. It’s like having a virtual conference room dedicated to your project, and members of the project team are the only ones with a key. Contact us for more details on how ConstructionVaults can increase the collaboration in your projects.

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